
What I Do

Developing and Designing fresh and modern projects which follow the latest web technologies, respond to the size of the device and provide high user experience by cross-browser compatibility.


What I Love

I love Programming because it offers intriguing challenges and ample room for invention. Besides doing what I do best, I'm an all-round outdoor sports enthusiast.


Where I Reside

I'm Udacity Front End Nanodegree graduate. Currently living, programming and designing in Los Angeles, California. Have I made you interested? I'm available for freelance projects or full-time work.



  • Vue
  • Nuxt.js
  • Vuex
  • Node & Express
  • Typescript
  • Sass
  • PostgreSQL


Gamers Music is the playlist sharing platform for the gamers community. You can upload your favorite playlists from Spotify, Youtube, Amazon Music, Soundcloud, Apple Music, for free. Search for your favorite Twitch players, genre, or game. Listen to the playlists of your favorite Dota / Fortnite / Minecraft / League of Legends players.

Work on a frontend and some backend part of GamersMusic as a freelance gig during COVID Pandemic. Great opportunity to gain experience in Vue/Nuxt/Node stack.

Slack Messaging
App Clone

  • MongoDB & Mongoose
  • Node & Express
  • React
  • JSON Web Token
  • Socket.io
  • RESTful API
  • Styled Components

Slack Messaging App Clone

A joint 6-week Chingu Voyage project. The MERN Full Stack remote team project that consisted of four developers. I was involved with frontend, backend RESTful API and MongoDB.

This app behaves similarly to Slack messaging app. A user can register, login, start a new channel, start a new thread, leave comments, update their name and change their profile image. App uses socket.io for real-time updates to new comments being created, edited, or deleted. A user can edit their comments as well.

Golf Map

  • React
  • Google Maps API
  • Foursquare API
  • Service Worker
  • Responsive Design

Neighborhood Golf Map

A single-page application featuring a map of my neighborhood in Los Angeles. Map displays golf courses markers by default, and displays the filtered subset of location markers when the user search filter is applied. The text input field should be used to filter the locations.

Click the location markers on the map to see the golf course name, details and image retrieved from Foursquare API and its location. Or use the search box to type the golf course name and see location on the map.

Marko Stankovic

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Responsive Design

Visual Artist Portfolio

Minimalistic portfolio website for visual artist Marko Stankovic.


  • React
  • ES6
  • API
  • Bookshelf

Myreads Bookshelf

This is a bookshelf app that allows you search for books, to add them on a shelf and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read. The project emphasizes using React to build the application and provides an API server and client library that it should be persisted information as the user interacts with the application.

In this application, the main page (the root URL) displays a list of "shelves" (i.e. categories), each of which contains a number of books. When you select a different shelf, the book moves there. In the search page(/search), you can get the list of books as by your input keywords.


  • Python 2.6
  • SimpleGUI
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Asteroids Arcade Game

Asteroids Arcade Game

RiceRocks is a clone of the 80’s arcade game Asteroids made in Object-Oriented Python for Rice University’s Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python at Coursera. This game use codeskulptor interpreter to work (http://www.codeskulptor.org).

Use arrow left and right keys to rotate the ship and up key to start engines. The ship is using friction for braking. Use space to shoot!


  • Matching Game
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • CSS3
  • Font Awesome

Memory Game

Memory Game is a game where you need to match pairs of tiles. Turn over one tile and then try to find a matching tile.

At the beginning of the game, the timer starts to count the time needed to finish the game. The Game displays 5 stars rating, after some number of moves, the game is removing the stars. It also counts the number of moves needed to finish the game. You can restart the game (shuffles the cards, restart star rating, time and moves) at any time using the restart button. At the and of the game, modal is displayed with results.


  • Book Finder
  • React
  • Google Books API
  • Styled Components
  • Chingu Voyage pre-work Project

Find a book on Google Books

Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books.

Search for books in the Google Books database. Show 10 results per page. Show the book image, title, author, publisher, publish date and a link to the google books page. Use pagination to look for the next or previous 10 books. Responsive design implementation.

Classic Arcade
Game Clone

  • HTML5 Canvas Game
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Object Oriented Programming

Classic Arcade Game Clone

In this game, you have a Player and Enemies (Bugs). The goal of the player is to collect items and get points, without colliding into any one of the enemies. Use keyboard arrows keys to move up, down, left and right.

The goal of the player is to collect items and get points, without colliding into any one of the enemies. The player can move left, right, up and down. The enemies move in varying speeds on the paved block portion of the scene. Once the player collides with an enemy, loses one health and moves back to the start square. The player can collect different items to get points. The game is over when the player loses all health.


  • Html5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Bower
  • Less
  • Angular
  • Responsive Design

Restorante ConFusion

A small restaurant website. This site was built while practicing HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular, Bower, Less...
